Who We are

Dedicated to identifying cultural commonalities and integrating the Indo-Eurasian region around Art, Literature, Theatre, Cultural and Business.....

IEFBCI is a young, non-government, not-for-profit organisation with fresh ideasand unique approach towards Indo-Eurasian cultural and business relations. Our uniqueness comes from our experience in the industry and understanding of limitations of the approaches of other business organizations. Our approach is not only a target towards influencing policy and encouraging industry debate but more holistic: that of bilateral fusion which can be achieved with enhanced exchanges of art, culture, literature, music and entertainment. The former, in our opinion emanates from vacuum with limited and unsustainable impact.

We believe in a philosophy of “innovation to the core” and “sustainability of solution” yielding seamlessness of outcomes. Business becomes seamless if people and governments identify themselves with other nations. Our optimism towards the culture commonalities and cordial bilateral relations undercuts this realization. We interact with various Eurasian countries via our Bilateral Chapters.

We have assembled what we believe is a diverse team of its kind with proficiency of business, events and creativity, understanding of art, literature and culture and the visionary approach to fulfil the Indo-Eurasian dream and ways to integrate them.